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This part of the „Wiki Web“ has been developed within the project EUREMnext under the coordination of AEE INTEC.

Project objectives

The overall goal of the EU funded project „EUREMnext“ is to enrich the well-established EUREM European EnergyManager trainig program, making it available in new countries to allow more persons to become qualified/accredited experts or upgrade their knowledge and skills, and adding ancillary implementation support activities. Thereby contribute to increasing the quality of energy audit results, the probability of implementation of the recommendations, and ultimately the energy efficiency and competitiveness of the businesses.

The project will expand the well-established EUREM European EnergyManager training program to 6 new countries and train more persons to become qualified experts in the field of energy. The training will also be enriched with 4 new modules in e-learning format (on mobility, industry 4.0., energy audit standards and process, company’s energy culture), with one enhanced module with more emphasis on financial topics and a new practice module. Implementation support activities for trainees and other energy managers are also planned, to coach and support these experts beyond the training scope e.g. workshops on energy audits, on convincingly presenting energy measures to decision makers, follow-up on implementation of measures, networking/awareness raising activities including financial sector.

EUREMnext has started in March 2018. This three year project is carried out by a consortium of 13 partners, headed by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce Nuremberg, and it is funded by the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme of the European Commission.

Project consortium