Roche (Austria)

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1. Solar integration

A solar plant has not yet been built. The goal of this study was to design (roughly) a solar plant and to evaluate its economic aspects.

2. Industry Sector

Healthcare; The site in Graz is the centre for research-, development- and production of blood-gas and electrolyte-analysis systems for Roche Diagnostics worldwide.

3. Industrial application

Solar application: Dehumidification of fresh-air, which is used for process-hall conditioning

4. Process description

  • Process flowsheet:

Process description-Roche (Austria).jpg

  • Processes:

For quality-management reasons, the company Roche has to fulfil certain criteria concerning the air in their production-halls and –rooms. The room-air shall have a temperature of 24 °C and a humidity of 55%, which equals an absolute humidity of 10,24 g water per kg dry air in this temperature range. The air has to be humidified during winter and dehumidified during summer to fulfil these criteria. At the moment, air-dehumidification is done with warm water via several water-air heat-exchangers. The warm-water cycle has a supply temperature of 70°C and a reflux of 50°C. Fresh air supply on the production site is done in several zones, which are each supplied with a heating-register for dehumidification. In total, there are 5 relevant zones onsite and their heat-demand is important for the design of the solar thermal plant.

5. Energy flows and temperature ranges

  • Main heat supply system and fuel:

  • Energy consumption (Sankey):

  • Temperature ranges and other parameters:

6. Solar Thermal Plant

  • Used scheme:

No solar information available.

  • Description:

The solar plant can be integrated into the existing warm-water cycle. In addition, a store has to be installed, because humidification is not done constantly all over the year, but is influenced by parameters like the outside (fresh) air or production stops. During winter, the energy of the solar plant can be fed into the heating system.

  • Performance of the planned solar plant:

Performance of the planned solar plant-Roche (Austria).jpg

  • Pictures of the built solar system:

No information available.

7. Energy savings

  • Pinch analysis results:

No information is available.

  • Energy savings:

The price of solar thermal energy will be around 33,44 €/MWh for the next 20 years, which is already below the present energy price of the company (35 €/MWh).

8. Economic evaluation

  • Economic parameters of the built solar system:

Table 4: Economic parameters for the possible solar system

Economic parameters for the possible solar system.jpg



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